New Technologies And The Super Powers They Bring

What if you had the power to see through walls?

What if you could control robots with only your mind?

What if you had super-human strength?
Some might say these aren't superpowers, just recent advancements in technology. I would say you are already using super powers every day, that we didn't even have 25 years ago.

You communicate telepathically using your wireless cellphone every single day and you have access to most of human history instantly on a single tiny device that's in your pocket.

Have you even considered what things would have been like if the internet or computers had not improved exponentially the last couple of decades?

There would be no tweets.
No facebook updates.
No instagram photos.
Closest thing to tweets would be a black marker on a bathroom wall.
You would find that even your biggest library, was never sufficient.
You would have to find a payphone in an emergency.
Pictures of friends and family were encased in frames and in the attic.
Snapchat would not exist.

If you wanted to tell someone special how you felt, you actually had to stare into their eyes and sacrifice everything, just hoping that they would feel the same.

"lol/jk/roflmao u thought I wuz serious?"

Instead you are capable of hyper-communicating strings of sentences faster than you could ever utter them, and send them across nations, into space and back down again, from the comfort of your bathroom, bed, couch or car. If that's not a superpower, what is?

We live in a technologically hyper-active age. Personally I think we should stop and think about that more often. Be more aware of our surroundings, and events that are taking place other than just news, politics and gossip. The mediums we are so addicted to today, I predict will be replaced by new ones. Therefore we must start thinking differently about what we want them to be. Do we really want to sit the rest of our lives waiting for the next episode, late night news, the next achievement?

Do we want to listen to music, or create it? Do we want to watch movies, or share experiences? Should we criticize people we don't know, or try to help them? Should we keep complaining or find solutions to our problems?

The recent technological advances will bring us superpowers. But we have to decide whether to use them to be superheroes or super villains.

On a different subject, my graphic novel is coming along slowly but surely. Most of it still exists only in my head, but I keep improving the story, coming up with new ideas every day now. A fun idea I would like to experiment with is that the reader/player will suddenly find themselves being interacted with by one of the characters. Exactly how that would come to be, is still unclear, but it think it's possible to use both the physical comic book and virtual "game" to simulate such an experience, like an illusion. The A.I in the story could for example become so super intelligent, it would find a way to communicate with the player, who actually is just reading a comic book in another dimension. Or something.

Today's post was actually motivated by trying to find out if the graphic novel needed a hero at all or if it would just be one great big tragedy after another. I mean, I know of heroes, but I do not personally know anyone to have that character trait(Never seen a costume or secret lair). So that question comes down to, what would I personally be willing to do if I was the "hero" type? Which to be clear, I'm totally not. But nor am I a villain. I think it would be more interesting if most characters weren't the standard good or bad guys. Rarely, people have actual evil motives in the real world. They might be egoistic, and ignorant and careless, but most of the time they are just people with conflicting motives and goals which they truly believe to be right.

I think I have to sleep on it, work on it, and then drink on it this weekend.
And remember: "Write drunk. Edit sober."


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