
Viser innlegg fra juni, 2014

My Virtual Canvas

My imagination is very first person based. Most of my written and animation work is done from a first person perspective. That's a hard perspective to convey. One must often resort to illusions and tricks in order to convince the reader or viewer to feel as if they were in that same position.Or at least be very descriptive at the risk of boring the crowd.  But I always feel unaccomplished when I do. I always have that thought, if only I could truly show that vision, convey that sensation so they would understand my work completely. So that they don't misinterpret or miss the point about the whole thing. So I have to explain it step by step, why this or that happened, when it should be clear from the get go. This is why I think virtual reality is the canvas I've been waiting for. I can put you exactly where I need you to be, and show you the story I want to tell. To truly immerse you in my creation. You might have a subconscious fear of going to an art gallery, seeing