
Viser innlegg fra april, 2014

The Oculus Shift

About a month ago I made this video where I try to show what kind of experiences we can have with virtual reality headsets like the Oculus Rift and Sony's Project Morpheus. I use some examples from movies and I also show what games are currently in development. The scenes are from movies like "Love"(2011), which I found to be incredible, for something that was supposed to be a short film for a music album release. Also featured are scenes from the movie "Gravity", which has been described as a movie "made of the Oculus Rift" with it's incredible depiction of space walking in orbit around our planet Tellus, aka Earth. Another set of scenes are from the cult film "Blade Runner" and "The Fifth Element", both science fiction worlds fans will mention as places they would love to see. I see now that I could have featured scenes from "Avatar" as well, but I'm sure someone is working on something in that direction an

What Is Virtually Going On, Specifically?

A lot has happened in the last three weeks. I've ordered a Oculus Rift Devkit 2, for one, after finally convincing myself that it would be a great investment. But like a shooting star coming down from the sky, the following day, a certain company, Facebook, decided to invest a little bit more than me. Like, a 2 Billion Dollars worth investment. Thus acquiring the entire Oculus Rift team, whom previously were dependent on the support and crowd funding from their kickstarter. How do I feel about that? Well, with my superior powers of actually reading articles, rather than rage at the sight of their titles, I must say I feel pretty darned good. I'm not one of the guys who found these news as a bad thing. Mostly because I make myself aware of the facts, before I make judgements. I can't recall the amount of times my pupils lodged themselves in the upper corners of my eyes after reading countless raging comments stating that Facebook is going to make Farmville for the Ocul