
Viser innlegg fra mai, 2012
The Future Is Already Here Dr. Michio Kaku talks on the future, year 2030 Allthough this video lasts an hour and four minutes I strongly recommend you start watch the first ten minutes, even though what I'll be talking about might be further into the video, I predict you will find the talk so interesting that you'll watch it until the end anyway. ;) As he states in this video, "the future of the computer is to disappear". Your files will follow with you, and there will be no need for hard drives, usb, or pockets filled with hardware gadgets. He also mentiones glasses that has full internet capability. You can download any website, watch any movie and send E-mail. They will also recognize people's faces. (Google recently showed this very feature in their promotional video for Project Glass.) The images Dr.Kaku shows of these glasses in 2009 did indeed look like "refugees from Star Trek". "In the future these glasses will be fa
"The Pinnacle Of Innovation" (Updated) It's a hot and lazy day in May, but I'm still writing. Yay =D Stark's helmet sports some impressive AR tech. The Iron Man movies. Great action, but what really impressed me about it is the perfect rendition of what Augmented Reality could do, and how it would look like. (clips further down) All the gestures he uses to control the three-dimensional objects that surrounds him are perfect as well. Some I recognize from tablet technologies displayed at conventions etc. Allthough they are often only used on contact surfaces like touch screens etc. Judging by the review series I found on youtube(posted by tomekw1992 ) , they spent many many hours making these sequences as well as direct an actor how to move and pretend to use the thing, which in real life before they added the effects weren't there at all. But I don't doubt Downey's acting skills was of great help. (There are some
What will the future bring?   The "Back to the Future"-trilogy are truly among the greatest movie trilogies ever made. It goes back in time, but also it moves forward. In the second movie, Marty McFly is sent directly from when he came home in 1985 to the future, 2015. That is three years from now. There are certain things in that movie presented as "the future" that we still don't have. Take the flying cars. We do have that, but they have wings and we're not exactly clogging up the air traffic any time soon. Hoverboards of course. I'd even go for the pink one if I had the chance. And there are things predicted that actually are coming true today in 2012, and as I am not a fortune teller, before 2015 has gone by there is no utter certainty what in the BTF prophecy won't be a reality.  As they land in the future, Marty is given some gear to blend in with the future crowd. A particular piece of clothing that has reac