Here we go!

Here's another example of fiction becoming reality.

"Matt Mills and Tamara Roukaerts demonstrate Aurasma, a new augmented reality tool that can seamlessly animate the world as seen through a smartphone. Going beyond previous augmented reality, their "auras" can do everything from making a painting talk to overlaying live news onto a printed newspaper."

Imagine a place where paintings on the wall becomes alive when we see them. A place where the newspaper you are reading shows video as you turn the page. Where movie posters comes with their own protective dinosaurs.

Believe it or not, this is where we are. Recent advances in technology and innovation has opened an entirely new universe to be explored and defined, and the only limitation is our imagination. Fiction is becoming reality. Movies like Back to The Future II(which is pretty darn close to foreseeing most technological/scientific advances before 2015 I might add), Minority Report, and even books like Harry Potter which is about magic. Now what sourcery is this?, one might ask. If I wasn't up to date with technology news I would probably ask the same question.

And it is hard to make it not come out as "too good to be true", but that doesn't stop it from becoming reality.
I'm sure many, if not most have had a fantasy or dream where one could think of anything and it would pop up right infront of you, like magic. Where everything you do is always through some kind of hologram, floating in mid air. Knowing that it will become reality within the next few years, doesn't that make you excited, just a little bit? 
I sure am.

Did you see how excited those kids got when they saw an image become alive on their wall? Think about kids today who are having a hard time staying concentrated or even interested in school. If they had something like this, it might help to improve their grades and general interest in school, if this was used for a teaching tool as a part of their education.

I was going to start this paragraph with : Some day maybe, possibly, but I would be wrong. Some day, not very far from now we will become like gods. Lifting objects with our minds, creating them, changing them. Communicating with people around the world without lifting a finger, pushing a key, saying a single word. Because I KNOW the technology that is bringing us to that point. 

This is why I am pushing augmented reality on this blog so much, the blog about imagination. Because it will bring us to a point where the boundary between imagination and reality vaporizes. Anything you can think of, dream of, will become reality in this new universe we will share.

You can be Dr.Manhattan constructing solutions to the world energy crisis in midair. You can be David in Prometheus, stumbling upon the holographic map of the universe. You can be the astronauts in Mission To Mars, walk the surface of Mars and seeing the origins of earth transpire before you. You can be anyone.

I feel that somehow it's my responsibility to communicate how these "godly powers" will come about, and I have to improve on communicating exactly that. For someone reading the above paragraph, it will probably look like I'm a bit too optimistic about a cellphone app or AR glasses. That I'm overreacting. To you I say, read the rest of my blog, because behind every statement I make, there is technology currently in development combined with augmented reality that either already has been or is in testing for the consumer market. You are the consumer market. They're making these things for you.

To put it this way, I'm basically telling you about Playstation 5, iPhone 7 and holograms before they come out.

When I began this blog, I said I had some ideas. I will now give you one those many ideas, that will become reality with augmented reality glasses/vision. Please look at the video in the following link:

Now after seeing this video, watch it again. But this time, don't think about camera exposure settings, rendering or layers. Instead put yourself in the perspective of someone wearing augmented reality glasses. And you have just downloaded the new "Artsy App" from the AR cloud database. What this app lets you do, is making 3 three-dimensional art wherever you want. You can pick what object or light source the app will track, that object will become your paintbrush. The best part about the app is that it lets you store your work on the map where you made it, just like someone can upload images to google maps. If anyone wearing augmented reality glasses stumbles upon the place, an art app logo will appear. "A piece of 3D art was made here, would you like to see it?". If they say yes, they can see your work, they can walk through it from their own perspective. And they can rate your work.

And now this is the part where I prove that this is somehow in development, that it can be done. In the middle segment of this Kinekt Demo for Kinekt FunLabs for Xbox360 last summer, a guy shows off something very similar to my idea. Only his idea is made for the Xbox 360 which is not a portable piece of equipment you can bring everywhere. And the Kinekt is what makes this possible using a sensor that tracks and records your body movements. Nightvision will reveal this magic as a projected pattern of lasers that sense and tracks everything in the room.

The lady in the last part of the video also shows off making avatars of herself and objects like a toy. Imagine if that was portable and possible to use wherever you went. Augment yourself for anyone wearing AR-glasses, and make your own toys, or your kids' toys become alive. Which is something all kids want before they grow up, sadly realising Toy Story is not possible. But again, fiction becomes reality with the use of technology.


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